As we go through life in this modern age of social media apps, we are able to keep up with what everyone around is doing. This in turn makes it easy for people to compare where they are at in life with other people's accomplishments, which might cause one to feel left behind in life as they see their peers excel in life. We tend to forget that each one of us is uniquely made, and we all have different journeys and purposes in life. Scripture says:
'Each one of us has one body, and that body has many parts. These parts don’t all do the same thing. In the same way, we are many people, but in Christ we are all one body. We are the parts of that body, and each part belongs to all the others.' -Romans 12 vs 4-5
God has a purpose and plan for our lives, each different from the other, and He has given us each different gifts and talents to use for His glory. If you see one of your peers doing well in an area they might be gifted in, you shouldn't feel inadequate compared to them, because we all have different gifts and paths/parts as the body of Christ. Comparing ourselves to others, and focusing on what everyone else is doing will only derail us from what we are suppose to be doing.
Before you compare yourself to anyone else, always remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and that God has purpose & plan for your life.